Diameter = 2 x (radius)
Circumference = (pi) x (diameter) = (pi) x (2 x 72) = 144 pi = 452.39-ft (rounded)
If a circle is comprised of 360 degrees, then each of the five sections will encompass 72 degrees. From an arbitrary radius, using a protractor, measure 72 degrees, then continue around the circle.
Radius is a line segment that joins the center of a circle with any point on its circumference.He told you! Btw smart a$$ There IS a radius of a SQUARE. You are STUPID.And btw the answer is 6
A 72-inch diameter circle has an area of: 28.3 square feet.
(72 pi) inches = 226.19 inches (rounded)
72 foot
A circle with a radius of 72 inches has a circumference of 452.39 inches.
72" radius = 452 25/64 " circumference
The radius is 72 inches.
The radius of any circle is half the diameter.
2*72 feet * 3.141592=452.4 feet
What aspect of the circle is 72? You will get a different answer depending on whether 72 refers to the diameter, circumference or area.
What aspect of the circle is 72? You will get a different answer depending on whether 72 refers to the radius or circumference.
It is: 2*pi*72 = 452.389 feet to three decimal places
If you mean a circle then:- radius = sq rt of (72/pi) = 4.787 inches to 3 decimal places