It is 0.500
When you have decimals you times them buy 100 to get the percent so .5 equals 50% and .05 equals 5% and .005 equals .5%
When they are scalar, xy and yx are equivalent. When they are vectors or matrices, they are not equivalent.
It depends on what it is meant to be equivalent to!
005 is thicker than 003
.005= .5%
005 = 5
005 = 5 so the reciprocal of 005 = reciprocal of 5 = 1/5 = 0.2
3650 * 005 = 18,250
It is 005 percent!
x - 0.5% = 500x - .005 = 500x - .005 + .005 = 500 + .005x = 500.005Check:x = 500.005500.005 - 0.5% = 500500.005 - .005 = 500500 = 500So x - 0.5% = 500 when x is .005.
005% = 5% which, as a decimal is 0.05
.010 is thicker than .005
005 = 5.0 × 1000.05 = 5.0 × 10-2
One half of a percent as a decimal is expressed as .005 Percent is out of 100 or 1 in most cases. 99 cents equal 1 dollar, so one HALF of ONE percent is .005 because one out of 100 = .01 so half of that would be .005 because .005 + .005 = .01