z + 8 - 2 is an expression, not an equation. An expression cannot be solved. At best, you can simplify it to z + 6.
what us the algebraic expression for 359 more than Z
The expression has no solution but it can be simplified to: z+6
x=y-8 z=x+12
As an expression it is: 8z+6.5y
z - 7
The variable expression of "z plus 8" is represented as z + 8. In algebra, variables like z can take on different values, while constants like 8 remain the same. When you see "z + 8" in an equation or expression, it means that the variable z is being added to the constant 8.
its 8
z + 8 - 2 is an expression, not an equation. An expression cannot be solved. At best, you can simplify it to z + 6.
S would be 8 letters less than Z, unless in this case Z is meaning something else. If so, I have no idea. But- 1.Z 2.Y 3.X 4.W 5.V 6.U 7.T 8.S Is how it would be so.
what us the algebraic expression for 359 more than Z
The expression has no solution but it can be simplified to: z+6
359 more than z is z plus 359 which is: z + 359
z + 8 Replace words with their mathematical equivalent. Leaves variables and numbers as is. Plus means add, so z plus 8 becomes z + 8.