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the formula for Na positive and Cl negative is NaCl.Commonly called as table SALT

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Q: What is the formula for Na positive cl negative?
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What is positive ion and negative ion in NACl?

Na is positive ion,Cl is negative ion

What is the Formula for sodium choride?

The formula for sodium chloride (table salt) is NaCl. Na is the symbol for sodium. Cl is the symbol for chlorine. In an aqueous solution, NaCl would dissolve into positive Na+ ions and negative Cl- ions.

Are NaCl ionic?

Yes it is. Na is positive ion and Cl is negative ion.

What is the content of salt that makes it a conductor?

The positive cation Na+ and the negative anion Cl-

How many positive ions in sodium chloride?

The formula unit NaCl contain one sodium atom.

What does anion cation mean?

Anion is a negative ion (Cl-) and cation is a positive ion (Na+).

When Na positive and Cl negative unite to form sodium chloride the compound formed has what charge?

its either positive or neutral

What forces of attraction are present between Na and Cl in sodium chloride?

The Na atom and the Cl atom of the molecule NaCl form what is known as an ionic bond. Basically the Sodium atom (Na) has a positive charge, while the chlorine atom (Cl) has a negative charge. Just like with magnets, the positive and the negative charge attract to each other.

What is Na and Cl -ionic formula?

Na^(+) + Cl^(-) = NaCl(s)

What is an attraction between a positive ion and a negative ion?

they will attract if they have equal and opposite charges, such as Na and Cl

Distinguish between a cation and a anion?

A cation is a positive ion (as Na+). An anion is a negative ion (as Cl-).

Is sodium a chemical equation?

No, because chemical equations require more than one element. For example: Na- + Cl -----> Na- Cl (Na is negative & Cl is positive) Also chemical equations have to have an arrow instead of an equal sign, as far as I know.