The fourth root of 869,841,269.84 is: 171.73547
Negative fourth root of a number= 1/the fourth root of the number. Fourth root of 625= 5 (5*5*5*5) 1/5
The real fourth root of 0.0001 are -0.1 and +0.1
It is 9 times square root of 2
12.72792206 (to eight decimal places)
81 as 162=2x81=2x34 fourth root of 81 is 3
2x to the fourth power minus 162 equals -146
a fourth root of 0.04
162 to the power of four equals 688,747,536
9 square root 2
The fourth root of 869,841,269.84 is: 171.73547
The fourth root of 56 = ± 2.735565
Fourth root of 59 = ± 2.771488
Negative fourth root of a number= 1/the fourth root of the number. Fourth root of 625= 5 (5*5*5*5) 1/5
The square root is 6, so the fourth root is the square root of 6, or about 2.45. ■
The real fourth root of 0.0001 are -0.1 and +0.1