The fourth root of 869,841,269.84 is: 171.73547
Negative fourth root of a number= 1/the fourth root of the number. Fourth root of 625= 5 (5*5*5*5) 1/5
The real fourth root of 0.0001 are -0.1 and +0.1
The 4th root of 16 is 2
The fourth root of +100 is 3.16228. (rounded)A negative number can't have a real even-numbered root.Technically, the 4th root of -100 is 3.16228 i."i" is ( or "i am") the square root of -1 .
a fourth root of 0.04
The fourth root of 869,841,269.84 is: 171.73547
Well, darling, the fourth root of 54 is approximately 2.882. So, if you're feeling adventurous and want to impress your friends with some random math knowledge, there you go. Just don't expect them to be as excited about it as I am.
The fourth root of 56 = ± 2.735565
Fourth root of 59 = ± 2.771488
Negative fourth root of a number= 1/the fourth root of the number. Fourth root of 625= 5 (5*5*5*5) 1/5
The square root is 6, so the fourth root is the square root of 6, or about 2.45. ■
The real fourth root of 0.0001 are -0.1 and +0.1
The fourth root of 36 = ± 2.44949
.05 is the square root of one fourth.
8.13288 (rounded)