The greatest common factor of 18k and 15k is 3k.
Greatest common factor of 18k and 3375k is 9K.
The GCF is 3k.
The GCF is 3k
You need at least two terms to find a GCF.
6 separate 18kOhm resistors wired in series make a total resistance of:18k+18k+18k+18k+18k+18k which is 108 kOhm.6 separate 18kOhm resistors wired in parallel make a total resistance of:1/[(1/18k) + (1/18k) + (1/18k) + (1/18k) + (1/18k) + (1/18k)] which is 3 kOhm.
what does 18K SAC mean in a ring
Probably that it was # 766 of an 18k Design.
What's is 18k TCH nice