It depends:
If you round to the nearest unit: 1500.4
If you round to the nearest 10: 1504
If you round to the nearest 100: 1549
The Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for 1500 486 is 6.
It is 1500, exactly as it appears in the question.
The square root of 1500 is 38.7298335
It is: 30 times 50 = 1500
1500 Litres is considerably greater than 1.5L.
1999 is the greatest possible number which can be rounded off to 2000, which has 1500 as the least.
The answer depends on the extent to which the number is to be rounded. To the nearest tens it is 1500. To the nearest billion it is 0.
To the nearest whole number, 1498 To the nearest ten, 1500 To the nearest hundred, 1500 To the nearest thousand, 1000
It can be rounded to 1500 to the nearest 1500. Higher values are possible but somewhat contrived. To the nearest commonly used rounding degree, the answer is 1000.
Assuming whole numbers: If rounding to the nearest 10, it would be 3004 If rounding to the nearest 50, it would be 3024 As "to the nearest whatever" increases, so the greatest number also increases. So the greatest "whatever to round to" to produce 3000 must be 3000, that is the question becomes: What is the greatest number that rounds to 3000 to the nearest 3000? Half of 3000 is 1500, so the greatest whole number that rounds to 3000 is 3000 + 1500 - 1 = 4499 (since 3000 + 1500 = 4500 would round up to 6000). Any number such that 1500 ≤ number < 4500 will round to 3000 to the nearest 3000.
Roman Catholic