Your tongue, your saliva, the flavor of the Tootsie Pop you chose
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pop's cycle shop selld bicycles and tricycles. the number of bicycles is 1 less than 5 times the number of tricycles. all the bbicycles and tricycles together have a total of 154 wheels. how many bicycles are there?
Hint If you are using Windows as your operating system, try the following sequence: Start, All Programs, Accessories, Calculator. A calculator should pop up and you can use it to solve simple problems like the one you posed. You should get 11.
The independent variable in the Tootsie Pop experiment is the type of candy coating on the lollipop - whether it is smooth or bumpy.
Your tongue,your saliva,and The flavor of the tootsie pop you chose
The manipulated variable would be how long you are licking the tootsie pop or in what way. Also, it could depend on: if sucking on the tootsie pop would count.
The Tootsie pop catchphrase is "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie roll pop?"
To give the Tootsie Pop flavor.
It depends on the flavor! I say the tootsie pop! especially the orange one!
There are 60 calories in a tootsie roll pop.
Yes. A Tootsie Roll Pop would still be considered a lollipop.
The tootsie roll
It Is A Lolly pop but it is darker due to the tootsie roll in it
the boy on the tootsie pop commercial is named ........? THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW! WHY DON'T U ASK TOOTSIE POP, NOT WIKIANSWERS
A round tootsie roll.