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Q: What is the mathematical word used to describe the equivalence of 2 expressions?
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What are the rules when expressing a long mathematical expression to scientific notation form?

Scientific notation is of little use for long mathematical expressions. It is used to express very large or very small numbers - not expressions.

A symbol usually a letter used to represent a number in mathematical expressions or sentences?

X and y

Is addition and subtraction examples of equations?

Addition and subtraction are mathematical processes. They can be used in equations, which are statements that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal, but they are not equations by themselves.

Where were brackets used first used?

Brackets were first used in ancient Greece by the mathematician Apollonius of Perga in the 3rd century BC. He introduced them to denote grouping in mathematical expressions.

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Mathematical expression of natural law?

A formula is defined as a mathematical expression of a natural law. A formula is a combination of numbers and symbols used to describe how something works.

When do you use parentesies?

Parentheses are used to set off additional information that is not essential to the main sentence, such as clarifications, asides, or citations. They can also be used in mathematical expressions to indicate order of operations.

What does the symbol Δ mean?

Delta - Its the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, and it is often used in mathematical expressions to represent the change (i.e. the delta) that occurs to a value.

What represents an unknown or changeable value?

In mathematical expressions, a variable (a letter used to represent a certain value) represents an unknown or changeable value. It is often the variable x.

What does poloments mean?

"Poloments" appears to be a misspelling. If you meant "polynomials," they are mathematical expressions with multiple terms involving variables and coefficients. Polynomials are commonly used in algebra and calculus.

What are operaters?

The standard Boolean operators are AND, OR and NOT. From these, Boolean algebra derives 3 more "derived" operators--material implication, exclusive or, and equivalence. They are used to evaluate a Boolean expression. These expressions all evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE.