Up your bum
The median is the middle value of a list of numbers. In [1,6,34] the median value is 6.
You find the median to find the middle number
6 is the median of 10 numbers
Median is: (54+72)/2 = 63.
12345678910 + 12345678910 = 24691357820
296895642150907-12345678910 = 296883296471997
12345678910 -234445555555555 = -234433209876645
It is 12345678910, itself.
12345678910 is a prime number.
600000 + 12345678910 = 12346278910
The sum of 12,345,678,910 and 12,345,678,910 is 24,691,357,820.
12345678910 means nothing from a Biblical standpoint.
12345678910 x 2345 = 28950617043950
It is 0. A single number, such as 12345678910 has no deviation.