

What is the missing value of x-5y-15?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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6y ago

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If that's supposed to be a straight line equation then it's not valid because the equality sign is missing.

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6y ago

There does not seem to be any missing value.

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Q: What is the missing value of x-5y-15?
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How do you find the area with a missing measurement?

To find the missing measurement of a shape you have to look at the opposite side and see what it adds up to. Then you make that side and the other missing side add up to the opposite side

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If the missing signs are pluses, x = 16.

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That would depend on the plus or minus values of the given terms and whether or not an equality sign is missing none of which have been given

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you use SOHCAHTOA to work out whether you need to use sine or cosine (as you already have the hypotenuse) you then use the diagonal as the hypotenuse and use the equation of either: sin(angle)=missing side/diagonal cos(angle)=missing side/diagonal you then take the answer and mark it on the two sides that it applies to. you use the value you just found along with the diagonal in the Pythagoras theorem equation (in this case it will be b2 = diagonal2-other side2). you then have the value of every side so you just add them all together.

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Because there is no information on which side is the hypotenuse, there is not a unique answer. The hypotenuse can either be the missing side or c. If the hypotenuse is the missing side, then it has a length of sqrt(2594) = 50.93133 units. If c is the hypotenuse the missing side is 12 units long.