to multiply fractions add them together and reduce the final fraction. to multiply mixed numbers, first make the mixed number an improper fraction, by mulitplying the whole number and the denominator and adding the answer to the numerator. Example: The improper fraction 8/5 can be changed to the mixed number 1 3/5 by dividing the numerator (8) by the denominator (5). This gives a quotient of 1 and a remainder of 3. The remainder is placed over the divisor (5).
How many lots of '7' can you get out of '10' . Answer' 1 lot iuth a remainder of '3' Hence from and improper fraction to (1-/7) to a mixed number it is 1 3/7
Mixed numbers include both integers and fractions. Example : 1 1/2Improper fractions have a larger numerator than denominator (they have a value greater than 1).Example : 14/7These forms are interchangeable. Multiplying the whole number by the denominator, and adding, will change a mixed number to an improper fraction.2 3/4 = [(2x4) + 3] / 4 = 11/4To change an improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the numerator by the denominator, and combine the whole number with the remaining fraction.15/7 = 2 plus remainder 1 = 2 1/7
13 over 2. Learn ur stuff kid!
Ussaly when you have an improper fraction, you need to convert it into a mixed number, which means dividing out the parts that give you a whole number and leaving the extras in the fraction An exmple is 9/5, first you take out 5 from the top, to get a one, and are left with 4/5, so your answer is 1 4/5.
50/45 is an improper fraction. 1 and 1/9 is an equivalent mixed number in lowest form.
1/3 is a proper fraction.
Yes, it is improper. An Improper fraction is a fraction that can be simplified as a mixed/whole number. So 5/5 can be simplified to 1.
45/22 is already an improper fraction. As a mixed number, it is 2 1/22.
1 1/6
1 1/6
6 and 1 over 3
43 and 1/23 is a mixed number. As a fraction, it would be improper.
You convert the mixed numeral into an improper fraction. Now subtract the improper fraction from the whole number by putting the whole number over 1.
1 and 2/5
2 1/4
1 2/5