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The divisor

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Q: What is the number outside the house for a division problem called?
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What is the number on the outside of a division problem called?


What is the number called that is outside the box in a division problem?

the quotient

What is the outside number in a division problem called?

It is called a divisor. The inside number is called the dividend and the answer is the quotient. The leftover number is called the quotient but you can keep dividing until you get a decimal.

What is the number being divided in a division problem called?

The number being divided in a division problem is called the dividend.

What are the numbers in a division problem called?

The first number is called the dividend. The second number is called the divisor. The answer is called the quotient.

What is the number left over in division called?

The number left over in division is called the remainder.

What is the top number of the division problem called?

The number which is on top of the division problem is the answer, obviously, or the quotient. :) The top number of a fraction is the numerator.

What is the number that divides the dividen called?

what is the answer to a division problem called

Where does the divisor go in a division problem?

It is the middle number in the short (5~1=5) division or outside of the box in long division.

What do you call the the answer to a division problem?

The answer to a long division problem is a quotient.

What is the number that you divide by in a division problem is called the?


What is the number called that you are dividing by in a division problem?
