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The fibbonacci sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc. Look at the first number. One. Look at the second number, one. Add them together and you get two which is the third number in the sequence. Now look at the one that is before the two and add that one with the two. You get three. Add the two and the three. five. Add the three and the five, 8. And so on. I hope this was helpful.

The fibbonacci sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc. Look at the first number. One. Look at the second number, one. Add them together and you get two which is the third number in the sequence. Now look at the one that is before the two and add that one with the two. You get three. Add the two and the three. five. Add the three and the five, 8. And so on. I hope this was helpful.

basicly add the last 2 numbers to get the next

eg. 34+55=89

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Q: What is the pattern in the Fibbonacci sequence?
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What was the fibbonacci sequence?

It is a sequence on numbers that each number is a sum of the 2 previous numbers. for example, 1,(1+0=)2,(1+2=)3,(2+3=)5,etc. made by fibbonacci.

Why is the fibbonacci sequence special?

There is no fibbonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence was devised as a relatively simple growth sequence. It has the property that the ratio of the numbers of the sequence divided by the preceding number in the sequence tends towards phi, the Golden Ratio = [1 + √5]/2 which has important geometric properties.Also, there are very many instances in nature where the Fibonacci sequence may be found.

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What are the first 15 numbers in the Fibbonacci Sequence?

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377.

What is the difference between the golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence?

The fibbonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers starting with one where each number is the sum of the two numbers before it. The sequence goes 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89, and so in. The ratio of any number in the sequence to the number just before it (like 55/34, or 13/8) gets closer and closer to the golden ratio, 1.618033989.

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What is pattern and sequence?

A pattern may be visual or numeric (or other), a sequence is usually numeric.

What song has a sequence?

One song that has a sequence is 'Silent Night." At the part, "All is calm, all is bright," "All is calm" represents the pattern, and "All is bright" is the sequence. The sequence copies the pattern, but higher or lower than the pattern.

Is Fibonicci a pattern sequence?

Not sure about Fibonicci but the Pisan mathematician, Fibonacci, did discover a pattern sequence which was named after him.

What comes next 3 3 6 9?

eay its the fibbonacci code the answer is 15

How do you find the next 50nth term in a sequence?

you must find the pattern of the sequence in order to find the next 50 terms using that pattern and the first part of the sequence given