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Q: What is the positive direction on the y axis?
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What you the math terms for j?

A unit vector in the positive direction of the y-axis.

Which axis is and which is y?

By convention x is positive to the right ( horizontal axis) y is positive straight up ( vertical axis)

Which side of a graph is positive?

You can draw a graph any way you want to, as long as you label both axes clearly, to show which direction is positive and which direction is negative, on each axis. Typically ... the way people are accustomed to looking at a graph ... numbers on the x-axis are positive on the right half, and numbers on the y-axis are positive on the top half.

What are x and y axis?

the x and y axis in geometry is for graphing a line. the x axis goes horisontially, the positive on the right and the negative on the left. the y axis goes verticialy. the positive on the top, and the negative on the bottom.

What vaiable goes on the y axis and what direction does it go in?

Y is the response variable and it goes on the vertical axis.

Is a y-axis vertical or horizontal?

Y-axis is a vertical axis consisting of positive values and negative values.It is perpendicular to x-axis(which is horizontal axis).

What does the positive or negative sign of a coordinate tell you about the location of the point?

Positive implies above the x-axis or to the right of the y-axis; negative implies below the x-axis or to the left of the y-axis.

Why you take g as negative in projectile motion?

it depends on what direction you take as the positive axis in a X,Y direction. if you say positive(X) is away from the earth then you would say gravity(g) is pulling the projectile the opposite direction from positive (X). if you say positive (X) is towards the center off the earth than you could say (g) is going with the (X) so g would end up positive. in summary is depends on how you set up the X,Y axis compared to the problem you are solving.

How are ordered pairs used on a coordinate plane?

the first coordinate goes on the X axis, either positive (To the right of the Y axis) or negative (to the left of the Y axis). The second coordinate goes on the Y axis, either positive (above the X axis) or negative (below the X axis).

What direction is the y axis pointing?


What is the equation of a line that bisects the angle between positive x-axis and positive y-axis?

45 degree

What equation finds the direction of the displacement vector?

In 2 dimensions the angle made by the displacement vector with the positive x-axis is arctan(y/x).