4.1231056256176605498214098559741 is the square root of 17.
Square root of 1/2 = (1)/(square root of 2) = 1/1.4142 = 0.7071 Also Square root of 1/2 = Square root of 0.5 = 0.7071
square root of (x2 + 1) = no simplification (square root of x2) + 1 = x + 1
the square root of 1 is 1. The square root of -1 is j (if you are an engineer) or i (if you are a math geek)
± 1 million
Ordinarily, the square root of -70 does not exist since a positive number squared or a negative number squared results in a positive number. If complex numbers are permitted, then the square root of -70 is i√70 ~= 8.367i where i is the imaginary square root of -1 such that i2 = -1.
sqrt(1) + sqrt(1) + sqrt(64) = +/- 1 +/- 1 +/- 8 positive square root is 10 negative square root is -10 By permutating the +/- it could also be +8, -8 ,
yes, a positive square root is any positive number which is found as an answer when rooting a number.additional. The square root of any positive number will itself be positive.To complete the picture, the square root of a positive number is considered to be either positive or negative; for both answers would give a positive number when squared.The square root of a negative number is slightly more difficult, for that requires to find the square root of -1. Which is considered to be i. So i2 = -1.This concept is of quite important practical value in electrical engineering, but is not met with in ordinary life.
The numbers 1 and negative 1 (-1) are both square roots of positive 1.The square root of negative 1 is the "imaginary" number i.
The square root of a negative real number is an imaginary number.We know square root is defined only for positive numbers.For example,1) Find the square root of (-1)It is imaginary. We say that square root of (-1) is i.In fact they are not real numbers.2) Find the square root of (-4)-4 can be written as (-1)(4)Square root of 4 is 2 and square root of (-1) is iSo, the square root of -4 is 2i.Similarly, we can find the square root of other negative numbers also.Source: www.icoachmath.comAn imaginary number is defined to handle square roots of negative numbers. The imaginary unit i is defined as the 'positive' square root of -1.
You cannot in real numbers because the square of any number, negative or positive, is positive. However, -25 does have a square root in complex numbers: it is + or - 5i where i is the imaginary square root of -1.
The principal root of a number is the positive real square root of the number - if it exists. Since -25 is negative, it does not have a real square root. Its square roots are the imaginary numbers +/-5i where i is the [imaginary] square root of -1. i is neither positive nor negative and so neither +5i nor -5i is a principal root.
The square root of any negative number is i times the square root of the corresponding positive number. In this case, 10i.
4.1231056256176605498214098559741 is the square root of 17.
Negative numbers do not have square roots. Multiplying any number by itself will always be a positive number. For example, -1 x -1 is 1. Because two negatives cancel themselves out, and regular numbers are always positive.
no, it is actually not a real number. It falls under the category of a imaginary number which is the square root of -1 or as the variable i Because the square root of -4 is 2i because the square root of 4 is 2 and if you take i out it will maek it a positive so it goes like this -4 SR= 2i -9 square root= 3i and so on