Circumference = 2pi*r
26.69/2pi = 4.248m (rounded to three decimal places)
The Bold and the Beautiful - 1987 1-2669 was released on: USA: 10 November 1997
The address of the Crescent Hill Branch is: 2762 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, 40206 2669
ِAllah is mentioned in Quran 2669 times in 1842 verses (or ayas)
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The country code and area code of Chhota Udaipur- Vadodara, India is 91, (0)2669.
The address of the World War Ii Historical Preservation Group is: 2669 Shillington Rd, Sinking Spg, PA 19460-3920
Salt could evaporate if it were in an environment with a high enough temperature. The boiling point of common table salt is 1465 °C (2669 °F). That or higher temperatures would be needed for salt to evaporate.
The code number is P0440 not 1744 see:
The correct contact number for Time Warner Cable in North Carolina is dependent on a person's location. They have a different phone number for each area. The contact number for Raleigh is 866-489-2669.
Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi Aventis. Patient assistance program for Plavix can be reached at 1-888-4PPA-NOW (1-888-477-2669).
Toronto Canada is located in Ontario while Fort McMurray Canada is located in Alberta. The driving distance between these two locations is 3800 kilometers. The flight distance between these two locations is 2669 kilometers.