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If we denote the measure of the length side of the circumscribed square with a, then the vertexes of the inscribed square will point at the midpoint of the side, a, of the circumscribed square.

The area of the circumscribed square is a^2

The square measure of the length of the inscribed square, which is also the area of this square, will be equal to [(a/2)^2 + (a/2)^2]. Let's find it:

[(a/2)^2 + (a/2)^2]

= (a^2/4 + a^2/4)

= 2(a^2)/4

= a^2/2

Thus their ratio is:


=[(a^2)(2)]/a^2 Simplify;

= 2

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Q: What is the ratio of the area of the circumscribed square to the area of the inscribed square?
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If I understand your question correctly, you would need to subtract the area of the inscribed circle from the circumscribed circle. Which would approximately be 78.60cm squared.

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-- 'Y' is circumscribed about 'X' -- The area of 'X' is less than the area of 'Y'.

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98 cm^2

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For a circle inside a square, the diameter is the same as the side length, and the area of the circle is about 78.54% of the square's area (pi/4). A(c) = 0.7854 A(s) The area of the square is L x L. (For a square, L = W). The area of the circle is PI x R^2, where R = L/2. Let's express the area of the square using A = L x L = (2R) x (2R) = 4 R^2 So, the ratio of the area of the circle to that of the square is: pi/4 or about 0.7854.

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