23.452078799117147772828150567722The square root of the number 550 is a continued fraction, 23.45207879911714777282815056772233140294114176705868576802850.
The square root of -3 is an imaginary number and the square root of 3 is an irrational number that can't be expressed as a fraction
The square root of 8 is an irrational number because it cannot be represented as a fraction of two integers.
It becomes an irrational number which can't be expressed as a fraction
The square root of 15 as a fraction is 3 113/129.
The square root of 126 is ± 11.224972.± 11.224972 expressed as a fraction is: ±2806243/250000
find the square root of the numerator and the square root of the denominator
Simply put, the square root of seven is irrational and cannot be in fraction form.
The square root of a/b is equal to the square root of a divided by the square root of b. I hope this helps you.
The square root of the fraction 16 over 169 is 4 over 13.
In most cases you cannot since the square root is an irrational number, unlike a fraction which is rational.
The square root of 49 is 7 which is a whole number but it can be expressed as 7/1 which is an improper fraction.
Only if the square root of the numerator and the square root of the denominator are both rational numbers.
root 2 x root 53
30 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.
500 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.