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Any number (except zero) to the zero power is 1.


If it was positive anything it would be 1.

Anything positive to the power -0 = 1

Anything negative to the power -0 = -1

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Q: What is the value of minus of any number to the power of zero?
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zero. The absolute value of a number is just the positive version of that number, so the absolute value of x is x, and x minus x is zero.

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By definition, any number raised to the zero power is "one".

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Zero. The absolute value |n| is positive for any real number. Subtracting it from itself is zero.

What is the value of a number to the zero power?

Any number to the power of zero is always equal to 1

What is a minus number?

A number lower than zero. Also called a negative number. A "minus number" is the incorrect term for a negative number. Anegative number is a number that comes before zero (0) (ex: -1). It's value is less than that off zero and the larger the number is, the less the value becomes. Though it seems odd, -4 has more numerical value than -476 because -476 is farther away from zero.

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The absolute value of the number - that is, ignoring the plus or minus sign - is the number's distance from 0.

What is the absolute value of minus zero?

It is zero.It is zero.It is zero.It is zero.

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By definition, any number (variable or constant) to the power of zero equals 1.

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pi minus pi is zero. Any number minus itself is zero.

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The value of any nonzero number raised to the zero power will equal positive one (1).

Why does one to the power of zero equal zero?

Any number to the power zero equals 1. A possible exception is zero to the power zero. Some people claim it is equal to zero, others say it equals one, consistent with any other value. Still more say that the result of zero to the power zero is an undefined value. With the possible exception of zero, the statement above holds true for any value.