A cube thirteen feet to a side has a volume of 2197 cubic feet. A cube ten feet to a side has a volume of 1000 cubic feet. The larger cube has 1197 cubic feet, or 119.7 percent, more volume over the smaller one.
64,000 cubic feet
Volume = 2*3*5 = 30 cubic feet
v(10)10x10x10 = 1000 cu ft
== Area of Room== To find the area in square feet of a room, multiply the length (in feet) by the width (in feet). Since you provided three dimensions, perhaps you wished to find the volume in cubic feet. To do so, multiply length, width, and height. Be sure your units are consistent.
48 cubic feet
The volume of a cube with seven feet is 7x7x7 or 343 cubic feet.
A rectangle is a 2-dimensional object, which will not have height. You want the volume for a cube with the length of 7 feet, width of 3 feet and height of 43 feet. The formula for the volume of a cube is Length X Width X Height = Area 7*3*43= 903 So the volume of a cube with those dimensions is 903 cubic feet.
The volume of a cube with side lengths of 12 feet is: 1,728 cubic feet.
The volume of a cube with an edge of three feet is: 27 cubic feet.
The volume of a 4.11-foot cube is: 69.43 cubic feet.
A cube thirteen feet to a side has a volume of 2197 cubic feet. A cube ten feet to a side has a volume of 1000 cubic feet. The larger cube has 1197 cubic feet, or 119.7 percent, more volume over the smaller one.
A cube with a side length of 5 feet has a volume of 125 cubic feet.
The length of the perfect cube is 2 when the volume is 8 cubic feet.
The volume in cubic feet of a cube 3' by 3' by 3' is: 27 cubic feet.
The volume is 143 or 2,744 cubic feet.
It depends on the dimensions of the cubic rod. To calculate the volume of a cube, you would need to know the length of one side (in feet) and then calculate the cube of that length (side length x side length x side length). The result will give you the volume of the cubic rod in cubic feet.