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Q: What is two or more linear inequalities using the same variable?
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What consists of 2 or more linear inequalities in the same variable?

A system of linear inequalities

What are the uses of linear inequalities?

In question and answer logic answers are given and if they fall in an area bounded by the inequality then it is a good answer. After graphing three or more inequalities the vertexes are the possible maxima of the system of equations.

A linear term has degree?

For a term with one variable, the degree is the variable's exponent. With more than one variable, the degree is the sum of the exponents of the variables. This means a linear term has degree 1 and a constant has degree 0.

What are linear equtions and simultanions equations?

Linear Equations are equations with variable with power 1 for eg: 5x + 7 = 0 Simultaneous Equations are two equations with more than one variable so that solving them simultaneously

What are two or more linear equations using the same variables called?

A system of linear equations.

A system of inequalities can involve two or more inequalities?


Why do you clear decimals when solving linear equations and inequalities?

To make them look more familiar and approachable to beginning algebra students. It's completely unnecessary with the advent of calculators though.

What is the difference between simple and multiple linear regression?

I want to develop a regression model for predicting YardsAllowed as a function of Takeaways, and I need to explain the statistical signifance of the model.

What happens when you introduce more than one independent variable into a linear regression analysis?

this is for a class in Math-233-statistics

A system of inequalities cannot involve more than two inequalities?


Can a system of equations have more than two inequalities?

A system of equations can have any number of inequalities.

Can the solution of a system of linear inequalities be the point of a line explain?

It's pretty much always the point of a line because the soulution of the system is always an ordered pair where the two or more lines intersect