The extension principle is a basic concept in the fuzzy set theory that extends crisp domains of mathematical expressions to fuzzy domains. Suppose f(.) is a function from X to Y and A is a fuzzy set on X defined as:
A=ma(x1)/x1 + ma(x2)/x2 + ...... + ma(xn)/xn
Where ma is the Membership Function of A. the + sign is a fuzzy OR (Max) and the / sign is a notation (indicated the variable xi in discourse domain X - NOT DIVISION)
Then the extension principle states that the image of fuzzy set A under the mapping f(.) can be expressed as a fuzzy set B,
B=f(A)=ma(x1)/y1 + ma(x2)/y2 + ...... + ma(xn)/yn
where yi = f(xi) , i = 1,2,3,....,n
18.90 as an interest. and principle wil remain same.
as whole numbers does not contain negative numbers, so for denoting ( eg: deapth of the sea,etc )negative things they require an extension.
The pythagorean principle is A squared + B squared = C squared. This is applyed when solving side lengths of triangles.
The fundamental principle of fractions: A/B = (A x C)/(B x C), as long as C is not 0.
Specificity because she is using a specific exercise for what she wants to happen
The principle of a spring balance is based on Hooke's Law, which states that the force applied to a spring is directly proportional to the amount the spring stretches or compresses. By measuring the extension of the spring, the force can be determined, making it a useful tool for measuring weights.
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form_title= Extension Cord form_header= Install extension cords in your office. What size extension cord do you need?*= _ [50] What color extension cord do you need?*= _ [50] Do you need a 3 prong extension cord?*= () Yes () No
You can plug an extension cord into another extension cord. A extension cord is to help make doing something easier.
extension to obey
The extension is .ch
You got it!! Extension is correct.