No. It can be written as a fraction where the denominator is not 0. For example, 314/100. This makes it rational.
-- If the numerator and denominator of the fraction are both whole numbers,then the fraction is definitely a rational number.-- Even if they're not both whole numbers, it still canbe a rational number.-- Makes no difference whether the fraction is negative or positive, improper or proper.
If it has whole numbers on top and bottom, or could be written that way, then it's rational. Positive or negative makes no difference.
The numerator of the fraction is 1.The numerator of the fraction is 1.The numerator of the fraction is 1.The numerator of the fraction is 1.
The ratio of 5 to 6 as a fraction is 5/6. What you need to remember in doing problems like this is that the first number corresponds to the numerator (top number) in the fraction, and the second number corresponds to the denominator (bottom number) in the fraction. This ratio 5 to 6 is basically saying "5 parts out of 6" and therefore is easy to turn into a fraction... but only if you think of it this way. :-D Good luck! Jackie
There are three models of a fraction namely area model, liner model and set model.
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The thing that makes an equivalent fraction equivalent is the overall value of the fraction, the ratio between the numerator and the denominator.
You poop it
-041666 is an integer and not a fraction so it makes little sense to write it as a fraction. But, if you must, one equivalent is -41666/1.-041666 is an integer and not a fraction so it makes little sense to write it as a fraction. But, if you must, one equivalent is -41666/1.-041666 is an integer and not a fraction so it makes little sense to write it as a fraction. But, if you must, one equivalent is -41666/1.-041666 is an integer and not a fraction so it makes little sense to write it as a fraction. But, if you must, one equivalent is -41666/1.
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There are many glamour models that are good at what they do. This question calls for an opinion, which makes it difficult to answer.
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HP makes a very good scanner model. EPSON is good to and high quality ink.
586 is an integer and it makes little sense to convert it to a fraction.