The conversion factor, for converting from UNITA to UNITB is the number of UNITB in each UNITA.
There are 3.2808 feet in 1 metre so the conversion factor for converting metres into feet is 3.2808.
0.01 is equal to 1/100 in fraction
Well, you know that 0.63 must equal........... 63/100 That can not be reduced, so it is the lowest term.
A fraction is in its simplest form if its denominator (bottom half of the fraction) and numerator (top half of the fraction) cannot be divided by the same number to equal a fraction with whole numbers in the numerator and denominator. [When you 'cancel' a fraction out (divide it to get a smaller fraction, closer to the simplest form) you must do the same sum to the numerator AND the denominator, so you must be able to divide the numerator by the same number you divide the numerator by, as the fraction cannot contain decimals or remainders (it must be a whole number] e.g. 3/6 is NOT in its simplest form, as you can divide both numbers by 3, meaning that the simplest form would be 1/3 1/3 is in its simplest form, as although you could divide the denominator by 3, you cannot divide the numerator by 3 to equal a whole number.
It is an improper fraction.
Any fraction to the power of 0 will always equal 1 Any fraction that has the same numerator and denominator will also equal 1
No. It would be very unusual for a conversion factor to equal one.
A conversion factor is a fraction that is always equal to 1. This allows you to convert between different units by multiplying the quantity you have by the conversion factor.
For two measurements to be a conversion factor, they must represent the same quantity but in different units. The ratio should equal 1 and can be written as a fraction where the units cancel out, allowing you to convert from one unit to another.
Conversion factor I think it is a unit fraction?!?!?!?!?
No, because the numerator (top number) must always be larger then the denomenator (bottom number) to be an improper fraction. To equal 1, both numbers must be the same.
The measurements must be equal to each other.
1. They must always be true 2. They must always equal 1.
In a conversion factor, the numerator and denominator of the fraction represent the same quantity but are expressed in different units. This allows you to convert from one unit to another.
The conversion fraction is 1/12.
It is equal to 1, but not always: the reciprocal must be defined for the equality and the reciprocal is not always defined.
16/2 is a fraction that is not an improper fraction is and is equal to 8. * * * * * 16/2 IS an improper fraction! Since the absolute value of 8 is greater than 1, any fractional representation must be improper.
To find a decimal equal to a fraction, you must divide the numerator by the denominator.