Square - multiply same number two times
Cube - multiply same number three times
7 X 7 X 7 = 343 !!!
The cubed root of 343 is 7
5.7689982812296335292865532431204 cubed = 192
No because 3 cubed is 27 which is a rational number
The number 12.
7 to the 1/3 power
The cubed root of 343 is 7
7 cubed is 343
7 cubed is 343
The sequence appears to be alternating between cubes of integers and their negative counterparts. The first number is -4 cubed, the second is 5 cubed, the third is -6 cubed, the fourth is 7 cubed, and the fifth is -8 cubed. Therefore, the next number in the sequence would be 8 cubed, which is 512.
7 cubed is equal to 343.
343 is a cube number because 7*7*7 = 343
Use the definition of "cubed". 7 billion cubed is the same as 7 billion x 7 billion x 7 billion.
It is: 7 cubed = 343
no nine is not a cubed number. Only 1 and 8 are the cubed number between 0 to 10.