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Y = 2/3X - 3

you know Y, 0 out Y to find X intercept

2/3X - 3 = 0

2/3X = 3

X = 9/2

a line between Y = -3 and X = 9/2

comes from the 3rd quadrant, through the 4th quadrant and into the first

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Q: What should a graph with a y-intercept of negative 3 and a slope of 2 over 3 look like?
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What happends to the graph of a line when the slope is negative?

A straight line graph with negative slope slants downward from left to right.

What is a slope when dealing with graph?

The slope for a straight line graph is the ratio of the amount by which the graph goes up (the rise) for every unit that it goes to the right (the run). If the graph goes down, the slope is negative. For a curved graph, the gradient at any point is the slope of the tangent to the graph at that point.

What would a graph that has a negative slope show?

It would have a downhill slope from left to right

What is the trend of a graph?

The trend of a graph is the slope of any line on the graph that indicated a positive or growth factor and/or a negative or decaying factor. If the slope goes negative, the graph's line will go down thus indicating decay. If the slope becomes positive, the graph's line will go up thus indicating growth.

What is a slope used for?

It shows the relationship of y in terms of x. [y = (yIntercept) + ((slope)*(x))] [slope = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)]

What equations will have a graph with a slope of negative 3?

That will depend on what equations but in general if it has a slope of -3 then it will have a down hill slope

What happens to the value of y as x increases if the slope is negative?

If the slope is negative, y decreases as x increases. The slope goes from top-left of the graph (Quadrant II) to the lower-right of the graph (Quadrant IV).

What is the slope and yintercept of y plus 4x plus 3?

There is no slope nor intercept because there is no equation, simply an expression.

What does a line with a negative slope indicate on a speed-time graph?

Negative slope on a speed/time graph indicates decreasing speed. (Some call it "deceleration", although I wish they wouldn't.)

A negative slope on the velocity vs. time graph indicates a negative acceleration?


How is deceleration represented on a velocity per time graph?

It is radial the velocity in a direction towards or away from a fixed point of reference (the origin) at a given time. The velocity time graph takes no account of motion in a direction across the radial direction.

What feature of a distance ortime graph represents speed?

slope of the graph ... actually the absolute value of the slope, actual slope, positive or negative, would indicate direction, so the slope would be velocity.