The number 18 belongs to the following categories of numbers:
Terminating, non-rec curing decimals.
Factors of 2
Factors of 9
Factors of 3
The "median" is the "number in the middle", if you sort the numbers. If (as here) the set has an even number of elements, you sort them, and then take the average (arithmetic mean) of the two numbers in the middle - in this example, the 5th and 6th number.
120 over 18 as a mixed number = 62/3
The number is -9 because (-9/-9) -18 = -17
1 + 17 = 18 5 + 13 = 18 7 + 11 = 18
The Barclays Address for the sort code number 20-18-93 is: North Kent 3 Leicestershire, LE87 2BB, Leicester England Phone: (0845) 7555555
Englen i sort was created on 1957-11-18.
The bank branch with the sort code 52 38 18 is HSBC Bank. This particular sort code originates from Finsbury, London.
Sort code and account numbersIf you need to quote your sort code and account number for paying money into your current account from an external source (including Direct Debits), please use the following details:The sort code is 72-50-0x - with 'x' being the 1st digit of your 9 digit account number.The remaining 8 digits of your account number should then be used for the account number for the payment into your account.Example:If your account number is 987654321, the sort code will be 72-50-09. Your 8 digit account number to quote is 87654321.
Quick Sort
A square number
No, 18 is not a square number
18 is an even number.
The number is not a bank sort code.
The minimum number of swaps required to sort an array is equal to the number of inversions in the array.