Factors refer to whole numbers, not decimals.
You can use the same symbols that you use to compare integers or decimals: equal, greater than, greater-than-or-equal, etc.
5.60 and 5.63
There are many ways to figure 2.5x2.5. If the decimals confuse you, remove the decimals and you may insert them at the end. 25x25=625.Remember*: When multiplying vertically, don't insert the decimal under the decimals in the factors:2.5 Instead, move the decimal two places to the left since therex2.5 are two decimals (one in each factor)____ so that the answer is Not correct.
You have to isolate your variable to one side of the equation. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide when necessary. Sometimes you will get an approximate answer. This means you cant show all of the decimals. For exmaple lets say your variables equals 1/3. Well you cant possibly write 3 infinite because 1/3=0.333 (with infinite 3s). So you write approximately equal to 0.333 Also when you have a variable that is equal to pi (3.14159... etc) you cant possibly write the infinite amount of decimals for this so you write 3 or 4 decimals and then make sure you indicate it is approximate and not equal.
two decimals are equal to 0.9 = 0.90, 0.900
two decimals equal to 0.8 = 0.80, 0.800
two decimals that are equal to 3.7 = 3.70, 3.700
there are no such things as equal decimals (at least that is what i think correct me if i am wrong)
3.9 + 4.2
They are: 3.7 and 3.70
50.20 and 50.200
0.8, 0.800
When their fractional parts are equal.
Four and two thirds is equal to 4.6667.