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(Solving with algebra)

Lets call the two numbers x and y.

We want to find x and y so that x + y = 15 and xy = 36.

First, solve one equation for x or y. Here we will solve the first equation for x:

x = 15 - y

Because we know that 15 - y = x, we can plug it into the second equation:

(15 - y)(y) = 36.

Solving the above equation will give us one of the numbers:

Distribute: y^2 - 15y + 36 = 0

Factor: (x - 12)(x - 3) = 0

We can see here that the numbers are 12 and 3 (by solving for x).

The numbers in this problem are simple enough that you can use guess and check.

Start at a number (1, for example), and find the other number that would add to 15. If the numbers multiply to 36, then you found the two numbers. If not, try another one.

The two numbers are 12 and 3.

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