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If the equations of the system are dependent equations, which represent the same line; therefore, every point on the line of a dependent equation represents a solution. Since there are an infinite number of points on a line, there is an infinite number of simultaneous solutions. For example,

3x + 2y = 8

6x + 4y = 16

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Q: What type of system equation produces the solution set infinite solution?
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What is an infinite solution?

The equation or a system of equations having infinite solutions is called identity/identities. (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2 is an identity. It has infinite solutions. The equation is true for all values of a and b.

Does this system of equations have one solution no solutions or an infinite number of solutions x - 2y equals -6 and x-2y equals 2?

x - 2y = -6 x - 2y = 2 subtract the 2nd equation from the 1st equation 0 = -8 false Therefore, the system of the equations has no solution.

What does one solution mean in math?

An equation may have zero, one, or more solutions (this is also true for a system of equations). The equation 2 + x = 5 has only solution, for example. x can only equal 3, so there is one solution. (An example of an equation with more that one solution is x2 = 4. In this case x can equal 2 or -2, so this equation has two solutions. An example of an equation with an infinite number of solutions is x + 6 = 3*2 + x. x can equal any number to make this equation true, so it has an infinite number of solutions. The equation x = x + 1 is an example of an equation with no solutions.)

The solution of a system of equation is?

the solution to a system is where the two lines intersect upon a graph.

What is a solution of a linear equation called?

Ordered Pair * * * * * An ordered SET. There can be only one, or even an infinite number of variables in a linear system.

If there is no solution to a system of equations it means?

extraneous solution. or the lines do not intersect. There is no common point (solution) for the system of equation.

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How do you know when an equation has infinite answers?

say system of equation is as follows a1x + b1y = c1 a2x + b2y = c2 if a1/a2 = b1/b2 = c1/c2 equation will have infinite answers

If the graph of a system of linear equations results in the same line ..what can you say about the solution to that system?

Nothing yet. It only means that the equations you have are not independent of them is a simple multiple of another one. All you can say so far is thatyou need another equation.

What is an example of a system of equation with infinite solutions?

For example:y = x, and2y = 2x

What is infinite solutions?

The equation or a system of equations having infinite solutions is called identity/identities. (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2 is an identity. It has infinite solutions. The equation is true for all values of a and b.