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one a/b X b/a = a/a X b/b =1/1 = 1

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Q: When a number and its reciprocal are multiplied the product is?
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What happens when a fraction is multiplied by its reciprocal?

When any number is multiplied by its reciprocal, the product is ' 1 '.

The product of rational number and its reciprocal?

Is '1' Any number multiplied with its reciprocal is equal to '1'

How do you find the reciprocal of a number?

Reciprocal is the multiplictive inverse. For example, 1/x when multiplied by x gives 1. x is the reciprocal of 1/x. Thus, if a number, when multiplied by a given number, produces 1 as the product, then that number is called the reciprocal of the given number.

Two numbers that have a product of one?

Every number multiplied by its reciprocal produce 1.

What is the product of a number and its reciprocal?

The product would be 1, unless the number is zero in which case there is no solution because no number can be multiplied by zero and equal 1.

One of two numbers whose product is1?

Any number except zero. A number multiplied by its reciprocal equals 1.

What is the reciprocal of 25?

The reciprocal of one number is another number which when both are multiplied, give a product of 1. In the case of a whole number, the reciprocal is 1 divided by that number.... so the reciprocal of 25 is 1/25 or 0.04

The product of a number and its reciprocal is always what?

The product of a number and its reciprocal is always one. That's what reciprocal means.

What is a number when its multiplied by its reciprocal?

It is then is equal to 1

What is the product of a number and a recipical?

The product of a number and its reciprocal is one. A reciprocal is, quite simply, the opposite of the number.

What is the reciprocal of 0.8?

The reciprocal of a number is the number that the initial number can be multiplied by to get the product 1. Therefore, the reciprocal of .8 is 1.25, since those two factors when multiplied together created a product of 1, or 1.000. The easiest way to find a reciprocal is to write the initial number as a fraction ( in this case, 8/10) and then "flip it" (making it 10/8) and simplifying. (10/8 = 1 and 1/4, or 1.25)

What does x times its reciprocal equal?

Any number multiplied by its reciprocal is equal to ' 1 '.