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malleable means how bendy the metal is, aswell as how easy it can be shaped

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Q: When describing metal what is the meaning of malleable?
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Describing a metal as malleable means that it can be pounded into a new shape.?

the answer is true

If an element has gray luster and can be drawn into a wire what element is it?

The element you are describing is likely silver (Ag). It has a gray luster and is malleable, meaning it can be drawn into wires easily.

Describing a metal as what mean it can be pounded into a new shape?

The word you're looking for is... malleable.

Is palladium malleable?

Yes Palladium is (according to the Periodic Table) in fact malleable meaning it can be hammered into sheet metal or other things

Is copper malleable or brittle?

Copper is malleable, meaning it can be easily shaped or bent without breaking.

Do describing a metal as malleable means that it can be pounded into a new shape?

That is precisely what it means. "Malleable" comes from the root "malleus", which literally means "hammer" (cf "mallet").

Does describing a metal as luster means it can be pounded into a new shape?

Luster has to do with appearance; the word that means 'can be pounded into a new shape' is malleable.

In relation to metals what is the meaning of malleable?

It is that property in which a metal can be extended or shaped by beating with a hammer or by the pressure of rollers. Metals become more malleable when heated.

Is californium malleable?

Californium is a malleable metal.

Is copper a malleable?

Copper is a malleable metal.

Is zinc a brittle metal?

No, zinc is not considered a brittle metal. It is malleable and ductile, meaning it can be easily shaped and formed without breaking.

Element that is the most malleable metal?

Gold is the most malleable metal, meaning it can be hammered into thin sheets without breaking.