you use neither when none of them are correct and you use either when both can be correct. :)
2nd Answer:
"Either" goes with "or", as in, "Either you or I will go". That means one or the other.
"Neither" goes with "nor", as in, "Neither you nor I will go". That means that nobody will go.
No, it is not an adverb (except when it is used, informally, for the word "either"). It can be a pronoun, adjective, or conjunction.
15 squared is either a two dimensional area or simply a number. Neither of these can have a volume.
Too is a synonym of also. Either is accompanied by or in a sentence. This means that when you use either you mean one or the other, and when you use too you mean both. These words are not the same.
"or" and "either" go together, as in, "Either you go or I will". "nor" and "neither" go together, as in, "Neither you nor I will".
The correct one is either: You will never go either. To use neither, there must be an alternate: You will never go and neither will I.
Either and Neither are used with an auxiliary or modal verb to express agreement in the negative (as compared to expressing agreement in the affirmative, when we use "Too" or "So"), e.g."I haven't been to France. I haven'teither / Neither have I." ("I have been to France. I have too / So have I.")"I can't see the screen. I can't either /Neither can I."Either is used with a negative verb; Neither is used with an affirmative verb.
me either
neither is when your comparing two things that are/can NOT be what you need (being negative) eg: neither of those shirts is good enough either is when your able to use both things as they are both good (being positive) eg: either top looks great sorry if that doesn't make sense
You can use "nor" to join two negative alternatives in a sentence. For example: "I neither eat meat nor fish." In this sentence, "nor" is used to show that the speaker does not eat either meat or fish.
The opposite of either is neither.
u use it when u tlk to ppl !!!!! When neither alternates fit. Neither/nor are basic conjugates to either/or. So, one can say, I like neither this, nor that. It'd be incorrect to say, I like neither this, or that. As the latter is in the affirmitive. Nor, cannot be used without an already rejected option.