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The Cartesian coordinate system was invented in the 17th century. The idea of this system was developed in 1637.

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Q: When was the Cartesian Coordinate System invented?
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Who invented the Cartesian coordinate plane?

Renee Descartes invented the Cartesian Coordinate system, commonly known as rectangular coordinates.

Who invented a coordinate system?

Rene Descartes invented the Cartesian Coordinate System, hence the name, and Ramanujan created the coordinate graph.

Who invented cartesian coordinate system?

Rene Descartes

Why is the cartesian coordinate system called the cartesian coordinate system?

It was invented by rene desCARTES and therefore named after him. It was named after him from his latin name, Renatus Cartesius.

How did Descrates teach about Cartesian Coordinate System?

he invented computers he invented computers

Who discovered cartesian coordinate system?

The Cartesian Coordinate System was discovered by Rene Descartes.

Why he invented cartesian coordinate?

The Cartesian coordinate plane was invented by the French mathematician Rene Descartes for plotting geometrical lines and shapes on it.

What is the cartesian coordinate system used for?

Cartesian coordinate system is used for map making, GPA for cars.

The vertical axis in a Cartesian coordinate system?

The z axis in the vertical axis in the Cartesian Coordinate System.

Who was named after cartesian coordinate system?

I am not sure that anyone was named AFTER the Cartesian coordinate system. Malcolm X, possibly!

What 3-D is in relation to the Cartesian coordinate system?

The Cartesian coordinate system can be used in 3 or more dimensions.

What is other name of rectangular coordinate system?

Cartesian coordinate system.