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Earth will reach to the population of 8 billion by 2025

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Q: When will the earth's population reach 8 billion?
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When estimated human population of 8 or 10 billion people?

The world's population is estimated to be between 7 and 8 billion people currently. The UN Population Fund estimates the world's population to reach 9 billion in 2043 and 10 billion in 2083.



How much does the worlds population grow every 12 years?

It grows about a billion people bigger every 12 years

When will the earths population reach 7 billion people?

Right now its December of 2019. This question was asked in 2011 back when we were hitting 7 billion people. The World did not end in 2012. We should use the years 2020 and 2021 to prepare for a more crowded world that is to comein 2022 and 2023 when there is 8 billion people on the world. Its possible that we wont reach 9 billion people. The world could end before then from some disaster like Plauge or asteroid collision. But to answer the question 8 billion people looks like its really going to happen some time in 2022.

What is amount of world population?

around 8 or 9 billion

What is the total population in year 2010?

8 billion people.

When you see a galaxy 8 billion light years away you are how many years into the past?

8 billion light years means that the light has taken 8 billion years to reach you. That's how far into the past you are seeing.

United Nation's world population estimate for year 2050?

In 2009, UN projections for 2050 range from about 8 billion to 10.5 billion

How old is sunlight when it hits Earth?

it is estimated that it takes approximately 8 mins for light for the sun to reach the earths crust

What is the total wold population?

As of 2013 the population was about 7.125 billion people. At the end of 2014 the world population is estimated to be about 7.211 billion people.

What is the fastest US company to reach 1 billion in sales?

Excel Communications did it in 8 years. The fastest ever.

What Will Be The Population Most Likely To Be In The Next 10 Years?

United nations estimates the the population of the world could be anywhere from 7 billion to 8 billion in the next ten years, where it is currently around 6.9 billion. This is assuming that there have been no catestrophic disasters in that time such as all out nuclear war or a large asteroid wiping out the population.