The full number will be (020) 8296 xxxx. The London Area Code is (020). The local number has eight digits.
The Exchange will be identified by the '8296' part.
It is in the Sutton / Twickenham / Richmond / Wimbledon area.
It could be an Outer London (UK) exchange.
The full number will be (020) 7484 xxxx. The London Area Code is (020). The local number has eight digits.The Exchange will be identified by the '7484' part.It is in the Regent Street / Leicester Square area.
UK area code 020 is London. The 8-digit local number can start with 3, 7, or 8.
Area code 020 is London. A number beginning 020 8674 is most likely a BT landline in Tulse Hill; however, with number portability, any 020 number could be located anywhere in London, served by any local phone company.
The phone number for social services in London is 020 7332 1224. An alternative text phone number also available at 020 7332 1574, or a fax number on 020 7332 3434.
In the UK, telephone area code 020 is London. A number beginning with 020 3432 is a "virtual" number that could be anywhere in London. Furthermore, with number portability any specific 020 number could be located anywhere in the London area, served by any local phone company.
020 is the area code for London Numbers beginning (020) 8505 are used by BT for Woodford, Essex - although of course the owner of the number could have moved to another address or phone company since the number was issued.
The Phone Number Contact for Nursing and Midwifery Council for General Inquiries is 020 7637 7181. For Registration Inquiries is 020 7333 9333 and for International Inquiries is 020 7333 6600. For Fitness to practice the Contact Number is 020 7462 5800/5801.
Area code 208 + exchange 759 indicates the towns of Bruneau and Riddle in Owyhee County, southern Idaho.
There is no area code 0208 in the UK. The area code for London is just 020, with 8-digit local numbers. A number beginning with 020 8749 is most likely a BT landline in Shepherds Bush, but with number portability any specific 020 number could be located anywhere in London, served by any local phone company.
London (020) 7569 4453
If you are in the UK, 020 is the code for London. Several other countries have area codes that begin with those digits. If you have an international number beginning with 00 20 8979...., it is in Egypt (country code +20). Although there are city codes beginning with 8, I could not find any beginning with 89.