The origin is where the two intersect. This is where both number lines are 0.
A Cartesian coordinate system, or rectangular coordinate system, is a 2-dimensional coordinate system. The X-axis and Y-axis only intersect at one special point called the origin. This point has the coordinates of (0,0).Wikipedia has particulars, and a link is provided.
The rectangular coordinate system is the basis for how we find locations on a map, for example (even though the earth is actually a sphere, this was a basis). I would say it is rather important.
Origin and axes.
It's like cheese.
The other name for the rectangular coordinate system is the Cartesian coordinate system. You can remember it because cartography is the study of maps, which are generally rectangular.
Rene Descartes developed the rectangular coordinate system.
Cartesian coordinate system.
A point's y coordinate is its vertical position, or how high or low it is.
It is located at the intersection of two perpendicular axis. Its location is written as (0, 0).
Rectangular Coordinate System
A Cartesian coordinate system, or rectangular coordinate system, is a 2-dimensional coordinate system. The X-axis and Y-axis only intersect at one special point called the origin. This point has the coordinates of (0,0).Wikipedia has particulars, and a link is provided.
The question appears to be a concatenation of two unrelated questions. As it appears, it makes no sense. 16 is a one-digit reference which cannot be located in a rectangular coordinate system. Also, 16 is already rounded to a greater extent than a hundredth.
Rene Descartes.
The rectangular coordinate system is the basis for how we find locations on a map, for example (even though the earth is actually a sphere, this was a basis). I would say it is rather important.