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A cylinder;

Two circles either end and a curved face joining them, this means the shape is a prism.

* * * * *

Not necessarily. It could also be a sphere or cone intersected by two planes.

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Q: Which 3D shape has 2 circular faces and one curved face?
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What shape has 4 triangular faces and 1 rectangular face?

A Pyramid ( As in Egypt).

Faces in a dodecagon?

A dodecagon is a two-dimensional shape and so has only one face.

What is the face of a prism or pyramid that is not the base?

Lateral Face - In a prism, the faces that are not bases. In a pyramid, faces that intersect at the vertex.

When counting faces on a 3D cube or pyramid do you count the bottom and top or are they bases and a top?

"Face" means any/every flat surface that the solid has. "Base" is the face that it happens to be resting on right now. But if you want to, you can pick it up, turn it, and set it down on a different face. So the 'base' and 'top' can change, but they're all faces.

How many faces does a triangular prism have?

A prism is the body formed by the translation (movement along a line - in this case a straight line) of a shape. There will be two bases and as many lateral faces as the base has sides.Therefore, a triangular prism has 5 faces: 2 bases and 3 lateral faces.A triangular prism has 5 faces.Well you basically add up all the sides and your answer should be 5!5.One at each end and one for each side of the triangles giving 2 + 3 = 55 (three rectangular faces and two triangular bases)That is a simple question...there are five faces on a triangular prism.A triangular prism is a three dimensional shape that has five faces. These faces include two bases and three side aces.5 Faces5 facesIt has 3 rectangles and 2 triangles which mean it has 5 Facesthere are 5 facesThere are three faces on a triangular prism* * * * *There are three lateral faces and two end faces making 5 faces in has 4 facesThere are 6 faces and edges on a triangular prism* * * * *I disagree.4, a face is the surface of a 3d object. This object is basically a triangular based pyramid. the bottom is a face and the 3 triangles that it makes up have one face each to then equal 4When you think of a prism, it is helpful to think of a long box. So the ends of the box are triangle shaped and middle corresponds with connecting the edges of the triangles on the end. So 3 for the middle and one on each end. 5 faces total.55It has 5 faces if you add the top the bottom and the 3 sides you should get 5 so 5 is ur answer.4A prism with an n-sided base will have 2n vertices, n + 2 faces, and 3n edges.54 faces* * * * *5, actually.35 faces, 5 points and 8 lines. hope this helped(:A triangular prism has 5 faces -- The front, the back, and three sides.Think about a rectangular prism (like a cube). That has a front, a back, and four additional sides.A triangular prism is a three sided prism. It is a polyhedron made of a triangular bases, a translated copy and three faces joining sides.5, the two end triangles then three rectangles.A triangular based prism has 5 faces5The triangular prism has 5 faces.Four. Three sides and a base.A triangular prism has 5 faces.Five - the two triangle faces and the three faces for the sides.3