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Q: Which equation is equivalent to 4n2(t3) when solved for t?
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There is no equation in the question: only an expression.

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How do you make t the subject of this equation xwat?

If xwat are variables or constants that are multiplied together, divide each side of the equation by the non-"t" ones to arrive at a "t=" equation. For example, if the equation is xwat = 1, then t = 1/xwa. If there should have been + or - operations in the equation, reverse those first, before doing any multiplying or dividing. Perform the same operations on both sides of the equation. For example, if the equation were xw+at = 1, then at = 1 - xw, then t = (1-xw)/a.

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The equation for the average over time T is integral 0 to T of I.dt

How to solve vf vi plus at equation steps?

To solve the equation vf = vi + at, where vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and t is the time, you first need to identify the values of vi, a, and t. Then, substitute these values into the equation and solve for vf by adding vi and the product of a and t. This equation is derived from the kinematic equation vf = vi + at, which relates the final velocity of an object to its initial velocity, acceleration, and time.

How would you use the technique of differential equation for deriving solution to growth in Solow model?

In a Solow model, a differential equation exists because the optimal growth rate is a difference between two functions, whose optimisation is their derivative set equal to zero. Consider:Break-even investment is equivalent to the minimal level to maintain the capital-labour ratio:(n + g + d)k(t)And actual investment is:sf(k(t))The differential solution to this equation describes the optimal outcome. Specifically, we optimise economic growth by choosing the savings versus consumption ratio such that the equationsf(k(t)) - (n + g + d)k(t)is optimised. This equation represents the derivative of the capital-labour ratio. Therefore, its optimisation is equivalent to0 = sf(k(t)) - (n + g + d)k(t)thussf(k(t)) = (n + g + d)k(t)when k(t) = f(k(t)), thens = n + g + d

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There are three "T" symbols to be placed inside the initial "T" to make a valid Roman numeral equation. The solution would be: III = T.

What is the equation for frequency -period?

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