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Q: Which number property says that you can add or mulitply in any order without changing the result?
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What number property lets you change the order of numbers in a number sentence without changing the sum?

That's the commutative property.

What is The property that allows us to add zero to a number without changing the value of the number.?

The fact that 0 is the additive identity.

What number mulitply by what number equals to 625?


How does a person calculate the square of any number?

Mulitply the number by itself

What do you mulitply to get 20 percent?

Multiply the number by 0.2

What number mulitply by what number equals 225?

15 x 15 = 225

What is the first property of addition?

I don't know which of these are 'first', but there is the:Identity Property - you can add zero and get the same number back.Commutative Property - numbers can be added in any order and get the same result.Associative Property - numbers can be grouped in parenthesis and added without changing the resulting sum.

What are all the properties of math?

Distributive Property: distribute base number, Commutative Property: changing order doesn't change answer, Associative Property: changing gouping doesn't change answer, Identity Property of Addition: any number plus zero equals that number, Identity Property of Multiplication: any number multiplied by one equals that nuber, Zero Property: any number multiplied by zero equals zero

How do you convert 4hrs into minutes?

You take the number of hours and mulitply it by 60 :)

What are the propertys of multiplycation?

The properties of multiplication include commutative property (changing the order of factors does not change the product), associative property (changing the grouping of factors does not change the product), distributive property (multiplication distributes over addition), and identity property (multiplying a number by 1 gives the same number).

What is 25 percent off 29.96?

When you mulitply any number by .25 your answer will be 25 percent of the number.

What is the pattern of inverse PROPERTY of addition?

subtraction * * * * * The pattern is changing the sign of the number.