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Q: Which unit of measurement is the most appropriate to measure the circumference of tree trunks?
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A scientist is studying the effects of a fertilizer on the circumference of tree trunks Which unit of measurement is the most appropriate to measure the circumference of tree trunks?


What unit of measurement is used to measure the circumference of tree trunks?

Circumference is the measurement around the trunk of the tree. It is usually measured at breast height because trees flare out at the bottom at different rates based on soil conditions. The best way to measure this is with a ribbon or piece of rope. Diameter can be measured by dividing this number by pi or 3.1415

How could you determine the circumference of a large tree trunk?

Your question presumes that tree trunks are all circular. If you happen to find a circular tree trunk, you would measure around it to find the circumference. If the tree trunk is not circular, you will not be able to find the circumference but, you can measure around it to determine its perimeter.

Who is Trunks Dad?

vegeta is trunks dad and bulma is trunks mom

What if future trunks met Trunks?

Future trunks does meet baby trunks, but it does not affect the future because baby trunks is too young to remember seeing himself.

Does a tree usually have fewer trunks or branches?


Is future Trunks broly?

No, Future Trunks is future Trunks. Broly is Broly

How does trunks become future trunks?

he doesnt future trunks comes back into the past

When does trunks become super trunks?

He becomes super trunks when cell absorbs #18

Does trunks meet baby trunks when baby trunks is older?

yes he does it was really suprising

Is Trunks stronger Than Future Trunks?

no future trunks is way stronger especailly in ssj2

Who is stronger Trunks or Future Trunks?

Future Trunks would be stronger because just because trunks was a ssj at a younger age doesn't me he is stronger than future trunks.Besides you barely see trunks fight while future trunks always has a battle.