Al Khwarizmi is said to be the founder of Algebra, since he first used it.that why we use it now
The word 'Algebra' is Arabic in origin, as 'A; Jebr', and means 'The Union of broken parts. The roots of algebra can be tracted back to Babylon approximatelt 1700 BC. Modern algebra was first used in the 16th Century,
Diophantus of Alexandria
Since "pre-" means before, then pre-algebra would be before algebra. Conversely, algebra would be after pre-algebra. Generally, the next class after a pre-algebra class would be Algebra I, followed by Algebra II.
Algebra is used all the time. Many equations can be created for many things, and it's all thanks to algebra. Physics, Engineering, Computers, and most other technical professions require algebra, as well as higher mathematics. For someone who plans not going into the technical professions, basic things such as balancing your checkbook, and dealing with taxes often require atleast some knowledge of algebra.
Pre-algebra preps you for algebra.2nd answer:Pre-AP-algebra is the same as Algebra I. Both are way harder than pre- algebra.
Abstrakt Algebra was created in 1994.
Algebra Universalis was created in 1971.
Algebra i Logika was created in 1962.
Algebra Colloquium was created in 1994.
The Algebra of Ice was created in 2004.
The Algebra of Infinite Justice was created in 2001.
Algebra was invented by ancient Muslims.
There is no such thing as Muslim algebra. Muslims though created algebra.
yes cos like everyone know's Muslims created Algebra, and the algebra was created at Egyptian times. :)
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Lis - linear algebra library - was created in 2005.