The word "algebra" comes from the Arabic word "al-jabr", meaning reunion and is part of the title of from a book on mathematics written by Muhammed ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi.
He was an Arab mathematician who worked on algebra, arithmetic, and astronomical tables. The word "algorithm" is also derived from his name.
Al-Khwarizmi did not invent algebra but his book was very influential in bringing algebra to the western world so he is generally considered the father of algebra.
A Greek mathematicians Diophantus is sometimes called the father of algebra as he developed one of the earliest forms of solving equations. However he used mostly special ad hoc methods to solve equations, whilst Al- Khwarizmi was the first to solve equations using general methods.
Algebra was invented in Egypt and Babylon in 862bc !!!!
Algebra was invented by Muslims in ancient times.
Algebra was invented by ancient Muslims.
It mpm
Algebra was invented by ancient Muslims.
Algebra was invented by ancient Muslims.
Algebra was invented by many people
Algebra was invented by Muslims in ancient times.
Algebra was invented by "Al- Khawarzami. He was the founder of analytical algebra. His famous book is "Hisabul-jubr-wal-muqbal".
Algebra was invented by ancient Muslims.
The Romans