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Carl Friedrich Gauss...

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Q: Who invented the fundamental theorem of algebra?
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Related questions

How are the proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra?

look in google if not there, look in wikipedia. fundamental theorem of algebra and their proofs

How is the Fundamental theorem of algebra used today?

Algebra is used for mathematics

What are conceqences of liouville theorem of complex?

The Liouville theorem states that every bounded entire function must be constant and the consequences of which are that it proves the fundamental proof of Algebra.

Who invented special products as identities?

The concept of special products as identities in mathematics was not invented by a single individual. It is a fundamental principle in algebra that describes certain algebraic patterns or expressions that simplify into known equations or forms, such as the binomial theorem or the difference of squares.

When was integral calculus invented?

Integral calculus was invented in the 17th century with the independent discovery of the fundamental theorem of calculus by Newton and Leibniz.

Who proved fundmental theorem of algebra?

The fundamental theorem of algebra was proved by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1799. His proof demonstrated that every polynomial equation with complex coefficients has at least one complex root. This theorem laid the foundation for the study of complex analysis and was a significant contribution to mathematics.

What basic concept of algebra was developed by the Muslims?

Al-Khwarizmi, a Persian Muslim polymath, invented the concept of searching for the unknown, which serves as the fundamental basis of algebra.

What did carl f gauss discover in maths?

He proved the "fundamental theorem of algebra" and developed a method of minimizing statistical error called "the method of least squares" which is still used today.

Who are the best mathematicians at algebra?

the best mathematician at algebra are Pythagoras because of him, there is pythagorean theorem

Where was algebra invented?

Algebra was invented in Egypt and Babylon in 862bc !!!!

How was algebra invented?

Algebra was invented by Muslims in ancient times.

What is fundamental theorem of arithmetic in 6th grade math?

The Fundamental theorem of arithmetic states that every naturalnumber is either prime or can be uniquely written as a productof primes.