No one knows. It happened before there was any writing, so there is no record of when it happened or who did it. Addition and subtraction are simple enough that many animals can perform it, albeit not quite well sometimes, even in the wild and without training. It is a natural Darwinian skill. For example, crows can count how many lions took down a gazelle behind a bush (out of site) and then count them as they come out again so it knows when it can scavenge freely (they sometimes have trouble with numbers bigger than 3).
Undoubtedly, early humans could add and subtract reasonably well on the hunting grounds on the grasslands of Africa, before language. Multiplication would have come along as humans had more free time to think or calculate and the skill was probably improved on along with war and complicated hunting. Division is more complicated and may have only been used "intuitively" for a long time, until the ancient civilisations and cultures developed better mathematics (likely a Arabic, Egyptian, Mediterranean, Chinese or Indian culture).
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some person probally thought ow lets create bidmas it goes into maths lovely brakets indices division multiplication addition subtraction
Commutative property. To remember what the commutative property does, think of the word: commute.A person commutes to work each day. He changes his position (he's at home, then he's at work).In the commutative property of multiplication, the terms can move around or change position and the result will be the same.
Yes.To say a set is closed under multiplication means that if you multiply any 2 numbers in the set, the answer will always be a member of the set. When you multiply 2 odd numbers, the answer is always an odd number, so the set is closed.It must be the same person asking these questions!Read more: Is_the_set_of_odd_integers_closed_under_subtraction
You can use multiplication to check a quotient because, if you think about it, division is like algebra with multiplication.Lets say you have the problem 49/749/7 is 7, right? So you check by taking the answer (7) and the divisor (7) and multiply it to check.Does 7x7=49? Yes, it does!The quotient is right if you multiply the divisor by the quotient and get the dividend.Another example for your benefit:153/3You do the calculations wrong, but you are smart enough to check to find out you did this.Lets say you think that 153/3=13.You check by doing: 13x3.When you are done calculating 13x3, you get 39.BUT you didn't get 39 when dividing.So this proves that 13 IS MOST DEFINITELY NOT the answer.You divide again and get 51.Being the smart person you are, you check that answer.51x3=153By checking, you got it right!
Codependent means a person is controlled or manipulated by another person. They are completely relying on and depending on the other person and will allow the other person to control and manipulate them.