

Best Answer

Anything with the fish is ideal because itss the symbol of Christ

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Q: Why fisher's index number is called ideal?
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Related questions

What is Fisher's ideal index?

AnswerThe geometric mean of Laspeyre's and Paasche's price indices is called Fisher's price index.

Why fisher index is the ideal index?

becaused it is exact

How can you get your ideal weight?

to get your BMI or Body Mass Index use the equation Number=704xweight(in lbs)/height in inches squared a healthy number is between 19 and 25

Why are index number called ecnomic barometer?

Index number are not called economic barometer. Some, but by no means all, economic variables are represented in index form to simplify comparisons over time. Since these may be considered as giving a picture of the economic outlook, they are sometimes called economic barometers.

What is index number?

what is index number

What the uses of index number in index index?

uses of index

Ideal body mass index per height?

The ideal body mass index (BMI) for adults is between 18.5 & 24.9 To figure out what this means for you, try using a BMI calculator or table such as the one below.

What is the root of a number?

The root of a number is any number that when multiplied by a certain number of times, it becomes the original number. The number of times the root has to be multiplied is called the index of the radical. The number that it becomes after it is multiplied is called the radicand. If the index is equal to x, and the radicand is equal to y, then the root can be expressed by " y to the (1/x)th power", or "y1/x".

The acronym for PIN?

Its Postal Index Number and for mobile its Personal Identity Number.

What you called index in Hindi?

It is called सूची (soochi)

Disadvantages of index number?

disadvantages of index numbers

What is the ideal body mass index for an 18 year-old who is 5'3?

The ideal BMI for someone your height and age would be about 18.5-24.9, on average.