Circumference = 2 pi r = 62.8 so r = 31.4/pi = 10 Area = pi r2 = 100 pi = 314 in2
Pi is an Irrational number, which is one of the two subcategories of real numbers.
Yes. For example: pi - pi = 0
Pi is both an irrational number and a transcendental number.
10 pi or 314.someting something 10 pi or 314.someting something 10 pi or 314.someting something
Diameter = 314/pi feet
Larry Shaw made pi day on 3, 14, 1989.
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164042862089986280348.......and it goes on for infinity
The prime factorization of 314 is 2 x 157.
314 feet²Area of a circle = pi x radius²let pi = 3.14A = 3.14 x 10²A = 3.14 x 100A = 314 feet²
There is a cheat you can preform With Action Replay in Scribblenauts that lets you gain 314 ollars in every level. Other than that, it's really hard.
square roots, pi
Circumference = 2 pi r = 62.8 so r = 31.4/pi = 10 Area = pi r2 = 100 pi = 314 in2
there are infinite numbers in pi
Because they exist just as much as other numbers.
Make the two irrational numbers reciprocals of each other. Ex.) 1/pi x pi = 1