It is more or less central. The brain uses the most oxygen, so the carotid arteries tie in to the aortic arch, as the blood leaves the heart. Pretty good design, actually.
A 'heart symbol' is a concrete noun, a thing that can be seen or touched.
It is 26.68 yards, approx.
It means congruent, which is to say they are approximately equal. Such as 3.9595 is approximately 4. Or, in geometry, two angles are basically the same size and shape but are positioned differently.
usually prescribed to control the heart rate. Digitalis drugs slow the heart's electrical impulses, helping to restore the normal rate and rhythm. These drugs also increase the ability of the heart's muscular layer to contract and pump properly
You cut it in half and then cut it in half again. There you go, 4 parts! :3
The human heart is positioned under the left lung, in the center, slightly to the left in the chest cavity.
The human heart is positioned under the left lung, in the center, slightly to the left in the chest cavity.
two inches below the left pecktoral
In his chest, positioned behind the rib cage.
The human heart is positioned behind and just left of the breastbone. The heart beats approximately 100,000 times every day.
In the chest cavity positioned to the left from the center of the body.
Burned arms and hands should also be raised higher than the person's heart.
A dog's heart is located on the left side of its body, just like in humans. It is positioned in the chest cavity slightly tilted towards the left side.
The human heart is positioned under the left lung, in the center, slightly to the left in the chest cavity.
A relatively positioned element is positioned with respect to where it would be if it was not positioned. An absolutely positioned element is positioned with respect to the edges of its closest ancestor that is positioned (i.e. not position: static) or, if there is no such ancestor, the browser viewport.
Anything different from what it "should be" in anatomy is "abnormal." However, abnormal merely means "different," not necessarily "bad."
Levocardia is a condition where the heart is located in the correct position on the left side of the chest. This is the normal position for the heart in most individuals, as opposed to dextrocardia where the heart is positioned on the right side of the chest.